Here are 6 foods (and drinks) that will reduce stress:
Water. All of your organs, including your brain, need water to function properly. If you’re dehydrated, your body wont be running as good as it could and that can
Stress is a very normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened, frightened or upset your balance in some way.
Many people think stress is an unnatural thing and that you should avoid it at all costs. In the
1. Eat well. Choose good quality, healthy food. Make sure the foods you eat nourish you and support your healthy, balanced lifestyle. Cut out all the crap and eat the best foods that you can. If something makes you feel unwell,
1. The 80 – 20 rule. Forget about dieting, calorie counting & restriction of foods. These will only make you crave foods and put more weight back on. Instead, live by the 80-20 rule. It is really simple. 80% of the
Top 10 strategies to look after your mental wellbeing. Please forward to others